Carter's REAL Birthday Party

Michael, Doodles, and I made the trip out to Carter's birthday party.  All I can say is thank heavens for GPS.  I love it out there, way out there...please don't get me wrong.  I think the GPS was set on scenic route because I came home a familiar way.  I did see lots of nice places to take shots of old one weekend another road trip is in order.

The birthday boy (minus all the hives) was ready for some fun!

The two stooges getting baby holding instructions.

Doodles getting in a little baby time too...once the baby was pried out of Allyson's arms.

And definitely not to be outdone in the holding department...Carter loves rubbing her head.

Oh yea, he will be a fine helper!

Allyson has been waiting to share all her toys with Doodles for such a long time (about a year in fact), especially her dollhouse and her kitchen.  I think all the toys were a big hit!

He loved his bike might have been a little tight...that boy has a big head!  I wish I had gotten a picture of him holding his Lightening McQueen umbrella,wearing his helmet while opening gifts.

Alyson was such a big help.  At one point Carter was covered with gifts.  He couldn't open them fast enough.

I think he is picking out just the right piece...with a little help from his friend.

And there was cake too!  Julie and her Mom made it.  I was so impressed.  Wonder if they could be hired out for our next birthday party?

So serious at this point.

This looks like trouble to me.

Oh no!  But oh so good!

Told ya it was trouble!

We had so much fun.  All the kids were so good and got along famously.  The house looked like a toy store threw up by the time we left.  Good food.  Good company.  Good time!

Happy Birthday little buddy!


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