Carter Is Two Already!?!

Today Carter turned two.  Over breakfast we were talking about things we had to do today and one of them was to go to Wally World to pick up some envelopes.  Out of the blue Carter says..'dinosaur park'.  So else is a Wammy to do but go to the dinosaur park!

He loves the dinosaur park...actually it is the park at The Lemming House in Milford.  There is a play area just his size and one a little bigger for the girls.  There is a creek that they are dying to get into.  So next time we come we are going to pack a picnic and probably some extra clothes and venture onto the Frisbee course and have a little creekin' fun!

The girls like it there too because there is a bridge and I get to be the ugly old troll (hope it is not type casting).

The wind about blew us to WV.  And the static electricity on the slides was at an all time high.

Hmmm...she comes with a warning label?

Nah...just kidding!

Then we came home and went for a little walk to the opposite stop sign...something we never do...and they thought it was big stuff.

Of course we had to stop at the wall and build with the blocks for awhile.

And we climbed up and down a few million times.

But after lunch it was PARTY TIME.  All Carter could talk about was his presents at home.

Julie sent cupcakes, hats and blowers.

candle blowing out practice

This birthday is big stuff for sure!

Allyson learned the Wammy 'pinch and pull' technique.

We had a little time to spare so back outside we went.

First booboo of the season.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARTER...we had lots of fun!


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