Pappy's Day Off

AKA...The Day We Took A Road Trip To Hillsboro  Lowe's To Pick Up A Book Pappy Forgot He Needed
Nothing like a good road trip to start off the day.  New snack bowls filled with pretzels get a two thumbs up.

As long as we have some healthy snacks and water we are good to go.  We don't give any type of sugary anything in the car when we know we will be all in there together for awhile.  We aren't nuts!

After walking around Lowe's and meeting lots of new people we were off to lunch at Classic's Diner.  One fun place.  The yahoos like it just fine.

The cup is as a big as Carter was but it didn't stop him for a second.  He can keep up with the girls just fine, thank you.

Pink lemonade...

...with bendy straws...what more could a girl want!

The entertainment was great...a huge mirror at the end of our booth...kept them laughing the entire time.

This is what I call a good end to a fun trip!


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