One Lonely Fun Friday

Today was one lonely Fun Friday! The teachers had an inservice day so the kids had no school. Teacher report and that means kids come to Wammyville...except when your grandma has the day off. So Carter and Allyson spent the day with theri grandma and Doodles hung out with us.  Fun Friday just doesn't seem the same without everyone that earned a fun day.  So today was a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Pappy was off most of the day so we took that chance to help him with some of those little honey-do jobs around the singing toilet upstairs and the you-never-know-if-it-is-going-to-flush one downstairs.  And the leaky sink in the kitchen.

Doodles was taking a little rest from her job of picking out color choices for her house.

When we checked out she made sure that the cashier scanned all of her paint chips.  She even put them in a bag for her...big purchase.

When Trevor brought her in this morning he wanted to know if we could meet them for lunch today since everyone would be going at the same time.  Doodles chose' Rice and Beans  AKA Chipotle.  As you can tell by the front of her shirt...she love her rice and beans.

And she loves the mu-ma-toes in my lunch.

I about dropped my teeth when I turned around and saw Michael helping with her zipper.  He usually has a phobia about anything having to do with girls.  I think maybe he was on his best behavior because his teacher and all the other teachers from the school district were having lunch also.

After we dropped Pappy off we heard over to Wyatt's to pick him up for a few days.  We have always talked about stopping when we pass this little bakery but never have.  But today was Fun Friday so why not!  Good thing we did because this is their last week at this location.  Next week their cupcakes will be filling the shelves at our favorite chocolate shop in Old Milford, Auel's on Main Street.

Doodles had a raspberry filled one.

Wyatt chose a hot fudge cake one.  OMGosh it looked wonderful!

I thought Michael was doing to have a fit when he heard the clerk say marshmallow.

We got all the way home and out of the car before I realized that we hadn't gone by the Dollar Store for shaving cream.  So we chowed down on cupcakes and then hit the bricks again.  Can't have Fun Friday without a good science project.

We made a rainbow in a jar.  Fill a glass container with water.  Cover the water with shaving cream.  Add a little water to some individual bowls of food coloring.  We used a syringe to squirt the coloring on the top.  The colored water eventually seeps down thru the shaving cream and looks really cool.  Boys not so much impressed.  Doodles loved it.  We even made another one when her Mom came to pick her up. 

So Doodles is gone.  Pappy is on the phone.  The boys are laughing and carrying on in the basement,  The dogs are snoring so I am going to fix a cup of coffee and enjoy my second cupcake.  Yes, second cupcake.  I can because I am the Wammy.


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