Night At The Museum In OH

Snacks in backpack, water bottle, toothbrush, sleeping bag and sleeping mat...and we are off!  An OVERNIGHT at the Museum Center...sleeping with the dinosaurs!  And about 110 other scouts and their parents. (about 6 females in the whole group)

Doing a little SUDOKU before the evening gets underway.

Wyatt and his dad getting a little light reading in before we are off on the Scavenger Hunt.

The schedule was packed with things to do...educational opportunities...teachable moments.  Wyatt and Michael were eating it up!  It was hard to keep up with them.  First up was the Scavenger Hunt in the Cincinnati History Museum.  There were 15 different items the boys had to find...the burning building downtown, a piece of Fort Washington, a chamber pot, a model of a keel boat, a steam engine and a mosaic from the former Concourse.....

The statue of Cincinnatus

an early settlement

Dry Goods Store

The Apothecary

My Dad has a picture of me sitting in one of these strollers in our front was blue and white. Man I am old if something I used as a child is in a museum!

a streetcar

inside the street car

We had a little break with a snack and then we got to meet up close and personal a few creatures that live at the Museum Center.

This is Shelly...she is about 40 years old.  If you will notice her shell....she was found by an employee of the museum.  She had been hit by a train behind the Center and a good Samaritan took her to the vet who in turn made her a new shell out of fiberglass.  Pretty amazing.

And you always have to have a good snake.  Michael opted not to touch.

Then it was off to the "Bat Cave" to learn about bats...the ones that live in our area.  I have to say that Chris is my most favorite presenter at the Center.  He knows his bats.  And he know how to control a crowd of sometime rowdy boys and sometimes talkative parents.  Then we were on our way to explore the Museum of Natural History and Science.  I think this is where the boys just totally get absorbed into every display.  Lots of the displays are interactive.  I have to say that I do think they tried it all.

To see who well you remember things there are computer games set up after the displays to test you brainpower.  At this point I was getting tired so I just cheered on the boys.  My brain had lost all most all of it's brainpower.

This morning we were up bright and early and packed up and in the van by 8AM and back to the Rotunda for breakfast.  Then to the Omnimax for watch a special showing of Tornado Alley.  After the showing we were free to go but the boys wanted to stay just a bit longer so we hit the Children's Museum.  It didn't take too long for them to start feeling the affects of staying up late.  He headed home but stopped at FlipDaddy's for lunch.  We are home safe and sound and in our jammies ready to just chill for awhile.  It was great fun and we can't wait for the Zoo SleepOver or the Newport Aquarium SleepOver...sign us up!


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