McTeacher Night

Each year the teachers from our school participate in a fun night called McTeacher Night sponsored by McDonald's.  We try to avoid McDonald's is we can trying to make good choices (we know that Mickie D's is reworking the menu to offer more healthy meals but the fries are TOO TEMPTING for me so we try to drive right on by) but tonight it was for a good cause.  Friends and Families are invited to come ans see their teachers 'working' at McDonald's.  Last night it was the fourth grade teachers turn to carry trays, refill drinks, clean off tables and harass the kids.  We had a great time!  We saw lots of our friends.
We picked Luke and Michael up from after school Dodgeball and headed to McDonald's. Michael's eacher, Ms Powers (AKA the queen) met us at the door.  She greeted the boys with lots of smiles and hugs.

Luke thought it was hilarious that Mr. Westendorf had to carry his try for him.

They were waiting for their free ice cream that Ms Power's promised.

This morning before the yahoos got here I was checking FaceBook and look what I found...Mr Dunn was all over the place taking pics.for


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