Marvelous Monday #1

We have now instituted a Marvelous Monday when one or two members of the team (Allyson, Carter and Doodles) can't make it to Wammy's on Fun Friday because of sickness.  Such was the case last Friday.  Carter just wasn't up to par and he needed some Daddy time at home with his sister.  So Marvelous Monday it was.  (You might be wondering where Doodles is...she spends Mondays with her Grammy)

We are big into coloring, gluing and cutting these days so I broke down and got everyone an Art Box to keep in the craft closet.

This one thinks it is really big stuff.  He might be little in stature but he is as big or bigger than Allyson and Doodles.

Lunch is becoming interesting.  Carter doesn't have a very varied palate.  So I was shocked when he wanted to try one of his sisters carrots.

He loves black olives so we stuck a few on the carrots and away he went.

Just so happened that if you ate all your go a brownie bite.  They were all over those brownies!  It was so hard for me to share the...double chocolate, chocolate chunk Ghirardelli chocolate brownies sprinkled with just the right amount of powdered sugar.

She is in such a hurry to finish her carrots...NOT.  That changed as soon as she saw me get out the brownies.

Is that a happy face or what!

She was such a silly face girl today.  I love getting those shots.  Maybe they will show up on her wedding day.....

The weather has been so crazy that we have been able to go outside a play almost everyday in January and February so far.  Today t was around 60 degrees.

That sunshine feels so good.

Love those blue eyes!

We love to take walks especially up the cul-de-sac where there are hardly any cars.  

It was a great day to be at Wammy's but we sure did miss DoodleBop!


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