Looks a Little Like Spring

The Robins are back and big and fat!  Must mean that spring is just around the corner.  It must  mean it is time for the annual yard clean up before the planting and decorating begin.

Caramel get out of her hutch for a little jumping around time.  She is so fun to watch.  And I noticed that she has put on a few pounds this winter (haven't we all).

Pappy was out trimming the bushes getting them ready for their growth spurts.

Carter's job was picking up sticks.  A job he does daily.  He should get paid.

Allyson with her leaf bucket and biggest stick.  It is always a contest to see who can find the biggest stick.

Headed to the garage to put away all the 'tools' before lunch.

But not before a little scooter play before it rains.

Or maybe a tractor ride.

Sharing is a good thing around here when you only have one of everything.  But now there are three types of vehicles so everyone has some wheels.  This makes my life a little easier.

By the looks of this tired little face we better get in a have some lunch really quick before he is down for the count.


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