God Is Good

This is Brian Regan...we call him Regan.  I think we first met when Bryce and Regan were in junior high school.  They both played football.  I remember him as a stinky kid who would come to our house and goof off.  A good kid.  Now I see him and am amazed at how much he has grown.

He just started writing a blog, In Humility, and it is so good!  I try to read it first thing in the morning while the house is quiet and I am sitting at the kitchen table with my coffee.  He wrote something that reminded me of Sarah Beth and I commented on it.  I told him about her blog...LoveYourGuts and suggested he read some of it.  A few days later he emailed to ask if I thought he could use some of her story in his sermon that was coming up.  I immediately email back to say that I was sure that Sarah Beth would be thrilled with that!

Last Sunday was the Sunday he was scheduled to speak.  Mark, Michael and I drove to Pierce Point Church at Amelia High School (they are a new church of about a year).  We sat behind his parents and even got to see one of his brothers and his girlfriend.

It was am emotional day for me.  I knew where he was going thru his sermon.  He did such a great job.  I was blow away by the man and dad he has grown into.  His kids are super, super cute!  I made a point to let him know that I thought Sarah Beth would have approved 100%.

I was able to copy the sermon from FB.  Please take time to listen to the entire sermon.  And I know that you would agree with me that his sermon would make Sarah Beth say that her heart was happy.  Please take time to read Sarah Beth online journal, LoveYourGuts.


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