Fun Friday #20...Glowing Reviews

Lots of painting going on today in Wammyville.

We even painted with cars and trucks from the vehicle bin.

Carter was all over this.  He didn't have enough hands!

We globed the paint and then folded the paper and smashed it.

We were going to have a picnic outside but because of high winds we opted to sit in the family room nice and cozy and watch the winds howl outside while eating.

For desert I whipped up a Fun Friday Flat  Apple Pie.

And then it was nap time.  Not your ordinary, run of the mill nap time.  None of that around her on Fun Friday...we took our nap under the bed with glow sticks.

And believe it or not they went to sleep and slept for a little over two hours.  I'm thinking we might just have to do this again!  Today was a great day for a nice and warm,  overcast, everyone with their favorite blankie, really quiet, and we played really hard in the morning.

Just another Fun Friday in Wammyville, just the way we like them!


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