A First For Me

Before I even begin, I have to tell you that I have a new and even deeper appreciation for photographers of all kinds. WOW! I thought this was going to be a piece of cake. I was worried and nervous that I wouldn't be able to get the shots that the family was wanting. Thank heavens I know the family! Or maybe that made it even harder.  I took over 200 shots and came up with 129 that I think might do the trick.   How do you judge what the families would like?  I have no idea.  I just tweaked each shot a smidge and made a slide show on Picasa Web Albums and emailed it to all the siblings.  Now I just have to get them on a few CDs.  I can tell you that when people see you coming with a camera they always turn their backs.  Well, there was one cracker jack that would always strike a pose.  Crack me up!  And I learned to wear comfortable shoes and don't plan to do a 5 mile hike the morning of the shoot...my legs were killing me!  I also learned that I should save my money to buy one of those fancy dancy flashes so my shots don't have shadows.  Oh, I am so much more than a rookie!  Don't get worried I just chose a few to give you an example of some of the shots I took.

I had no idea that this place existed..and just 10 minutes from our house.  Beautiful on the inside too.   A great space!

Does this face look 90?  He was surprised...he thought he was going to his daughters house to have meatloaf for dinner.  Instead he got a limo ride with some of the grand kids to the party.

All the siblings made picture poster boards.  There were special awards on display that Leonard had been given over the years.

Grandma and her great grand daughter.

Looks like someone is going to be planning a wedding soon.

This is the shot that I fretted over the most. I took more than several shots all on different settings, hoping to get one right.   I think I am pretty proud of the results.  I think everyone is smiling. 

I call these the 'Three Stooges'...they are really the three sisters.  They are so much fun.  We have know Julie since the girls became friends with her kids, Reade and Emily, in high school.  Amy and Annie are so sweet to make you feel comfortable in every situation.

Many hands make light work...90 candles and one to grow on almost set off the fire alarm.

Grandpa wanted to make sure that there were 90 candles on the cake.  He asked for just a little help blowing them out.

I realize I still have so much to learn about my camera and so, so much to remember about taking photographs.  I have learned one thing...I do better in natural light and with subjects that don't move and are not living.  Maybe I should invest the time and money into taking a few hundred photography classes.

Thanks Emily for thinking of me and giving me this awesome opportunity!  I think my calendar is clear for next years party!


Jan said…
Jan, I am so impressed. What a great job of capturing this celebration.

{would you consider turning off word verification? It's gotten much worse, now, with two words from He**.}
Julie Hoffmann said…
You did an awesome job! The Partusch Family shot was unbelieveable and you are right - all smiles!!!!
The individual sibling family pics were awesome, also.
Thanks, dear friend, for everything - well maybe every
thing except the 3 Stooges (lol)!
Jan, you did an awesome job! Every picture is beautiful!! You have an obvious gift, but a class would be fun, too. There is always lots more to learn.

Well done!! (clap clap)
gina said…
you did a GREAT job!! they are wonderful shots and i know the family will be extremely pleased. i am also uncomfortable shooting groups of people...give me wide open spaces and critters any day! lol

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