BSA Lunken Airport 5 Mile Hike

We could not have asked for a more perfect morning!

In the beginning there were two scouts...looking for other scouts, which were never found.  We were about 10 minutes late for the start time of 10AM.  We have learned that anything scout related has a start time but that usually means 'get here by this time and we will start later'.  I figured we had a little grace period built in.  We searched every parking lot from the east side to the west side of the scouts to be found.  So we had our own hike.

In the beginning there were two funny boys, eager (well almost eager) to hike...a little disappointed that it wasn't a real hike in the woods.

Everyone had a water bottle and jacket...always prepared.

The really cool thing about this hike is that there are planes and helicopter always landing and taking off this time of morning.  I hope the 2:30 PM hike has the same success as we did.

You just knew someone would have to try it out.  And we knew it was not going to be Michael.  According to Wyatt, the potty monitor, 'this are gross and someone needs to come and clean it out!'  Crack me up!

Emmy came on this hike with us and it was a good thing.  We had to come up with all kinds of games that would keep the boys moving along for our 2 hour hike was gong to be more like a 4 hour hike.

I knew we were going to be in for the hike of our lives when this is what Michael looked like at the end of mile one.

'de plane, de plane'

We are well on our way at mile 1.5.....only 3.5 to go.  Will be make it?

Pretty smart.  A boy with his stick that he got tired of holding in his hand.  Pretty genius I think!  Can you find it?

Racing with Emmy to the next shadow on the trail.

Oh my! Michael either grew two more arms or he ate Wyatt and Wyatt is trying to get out!

If I am not mistaken it was the goal of the boys to sit on every bench on the trail.  And that we did.  Wyatt rationed his water while Michael had his downed about the third bench.

"How much more?  My feet are hurting like crazy!"

The bench at the end of the runway with a perfect view of the entire airport.

Wyatt wanted to take a few pics of the airplanes.  I held my breath while I handed over the camera.  That was big for me.  I think he did pretty good.  Now to teach him how to crop.

Where did this big thing come from?  And where is it going?

This is what I am used to seeing!

We made it this far without dying...somehow I knew we would.

To help prod the hikers along we promised lunch at the Sky Galley inside the Airport.  

But not being prepared neither Emmy or I had our wallets.  So Emmy volunteered to go to the parking lot to get her wallet.  So we rested outside for while on yet another bench.  I think these two much have homing devices for benches.

Inside the main concourse we were surprised to find a plane hanging from the ceiling.

These two murals reminded us of the tile mosaics at The Museum Center at Union Terminal.

The Sky Galley

We had different theories about how the Sky Galley got it's name.  When reading the back of the menu we found out several interesting facts...

  • 1927   Charles Lindberg makes his historical flight across the Atlantic, landing at Lunken Airfield to and from New York to refuel
  • 1928   Metal Aircraft Company produces the Flamingo, one of the first metal monoplanes built in America at Lunken
  • 1930   Formal dedication of Lunken Airport takes place.  A three day celebration that included Howard Hughes, Jimmy Doolittle, Freddie Lund, Cincinnati Area Corps Reserves and Jean Harlow
  • 1940   American Airlines is born at Lunken Airport
  • 1966   The Beatles arrive at Lunken Airport for their concert at Crosley Field
  • 1999   The Sky Galley, formally known as Wings, opens their doors for casual dining and good food.

I spy a lizard head...can you?

There were several little lizards sunny on the deck outside our window.

After lunch we had to finish the hike.  We passed the control tower.

Looks like we made it!  All the way...5 miles

This calls for a victory bump!


Jan said…
What a great outing you had. Love all the photos, too.
Teresa said…
I love reading about all your wonderful adventures. Your family has so much fun together. I need to start doing some of this with my kids. Before I know it they will be all grown up and it will be too late. Thanks for inspiring me :-)


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