Fun Friday #15...BEST EVER...Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens

I love a good Fun Friday!  And this was the best trip to the Zoo yet!  We meet up with Emmy and her kids and finally got to meet Emmy's friend Kate and her two yahoos, M and V.  Our goal was to get to the zoo in time for the Penguin Parade to the Children's Zoo.  We got just a little sidetracked with these silly polar bears and only go the tail end of the Parade.

There were two polar bears out when we first found them  This one was playing in the water with a yellow ball as you can see (as only Michael would say).

We passed this peacock sunning and Doodles told me not to be scared, just to walk fast.

Pappy had the day off and I am not quite sure that he wanted to spend it in 'crowd control'.

The 'daddy' monkey came straight at Allyson and she about jumped out of her skin.  She didn't realize that there was glass in between us.

We decided that this little critter had a funny haircut.

This little guy and his buddies were playing in cardboard boxes just like our kids have done on many occasions.  I think he needs a tissue for his nose.

This polar bear was having the best time with this yellow ball.

'You can't see me.'

Monkeys with a voice...Allyson says they are saying Happy New Year to everyone!

I didn't get too many pics of the Penguin Parade...guess I will just have to go back another day and plant myself on the ground right near the entrance to the Children's Zoo.

Looks like he is itching like Michael...hope he doesn't have hives.

We saw this white turkey and Doodles starts belting out her turkey song that her Grammy taught her!  Funny!

"Wammy, take me home!'

A little playtime at the playground.

When Allyson first say this she thought it was a mushroom.

 A giant spider web that Allyson wasn't too sure she wanted to play on.  She kept looking over in the bushes like she was waiting for this huge spider to jump out at them.

All the kids (minus Carter...he was in the stroller)  looking for the missing armadillo.

The next winter picnic we do I want there to be snow on the ground.

He made it thru his bologna and cheese sandwich before he crashed.

Our new friend, M


And our new friend, V.

Not only does Pappy provide crowd control but he is pretty good with the entertainment portion of the trip.  Here is is trying to jump really high but can only get off the ground a wee bit.  The kids (Ernie) thought this was the funniest thing on earth.

Naughty little gorilla

I wonder who the leaf bouquet if for?

My all time favorite zoo animal!

And the last animal on our trip today.  The weather was the 50's and sunny.  I think we were one of the first ones to arrive at the zoo.  And I bet I can count on both hands how many families were there to explore and learn today.  Lunch went without any problems and the kids could not have been more behaved.  I just love a great Fun Friday! 


Jan said…
Wow, what a great trip. I've been wanting to go to our zoo, but I've been tethered to Bob. Maybe in a couple of months.

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