
The yahoos are into crafts big time!  So now just about everyday I have something for us to do.   And they love it that they are being displayed on the wall.  Every time we put something up they want me to get the camera and take a picture.  So this is what we have so far.  And you can see they are budding artists.

We haven't ventured into scissor world just yet.  Glue sticks are out main focus right now.

Each time we make something I let them chooses the color of  paper they want to use as the background and then colors for all the little details.

If you know me at all you will know that I am not a big fan of modeled know everything has to be just right and everything has to look the same...Eventually when I feel comfortable that no one will cut their hair or write all over the walls or paint the dog, they will have free rein.

They are so happy and so proud!

Since we all are able recognize each others. names it is now time to learn to print them.

So proud and wanting her picture taken.

Carter thinks he is as big as the girls. He follows their lead.  what ever they do his is right there at the end of the line waiting for his turn.  And loving every minute of it!


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