Yet Another Epic Fail For Me

I need a few more kids, dogs, and elves to totally push me over the edge.  I thought I was doing such a good job with the secrecy of the elves.  They traveled from KY to OH, from OH to WV, from WV back to OH and finally from OH back to KY.  Only thing is...somehow  Boomarang ended up at Cassie's and Sneek ended up at our house.  Ellis was the detective that figured it all out.  He was beside himself last night on the phone.  Cassie and Trevor are quick thinkers.  This is what they came up with this morning...

Don't tell the kids but it really is Boomarang with a bath (the giveaway was the toothpaste and black dot that I put on the bottom of his foot so I could tell them apart...lots of good that did!) and his hands stitched back together.

Ellis wanted to know what the note said that Santa left at our house....what!?!?!?!  So in between getting breakfast, unclogging the utility sink, taking the dogs out and getting the dishes done I wrote a note.

So Boomarang (wink, wink) is spending the day in bed in the living room.  Hopefully he is thinking about all the shenanigans and thinking about being a better elf.  He sure did have fun while Sneek and Noel were here.


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