Some Crumbs

Just a few crumbs of the leftovers from our big weekend in WV...(And I didn't even get to tell you or show you anything pictures from my sisters lake house...maybe next trip)

Mamaw wanted a picture of Alaire with her with some of her Christmas decorations.

Now she is playing  hide and seek with the camera...she is such a stinker.  We ALWAYS have to remember if we want her to do something...just ask her to do the opposite and you will get her to do what you actually want from her..

This is what they look like when all is said and done.  Zonked in the backseat on the way to Dry Ridge, KY to the drop off spot and lunch.

Everyone but Allyson snoozed on the road.  Allyson instead must have asked 5,000,000,000 questions...some like...What do you call that branch?  What do you call that leaf?  Why are they driving past us?  Which way do we go home?  Are we eating lunch?  Is Ellis sleeping?  Is Alaire asleep?  Who is snoring?  Did Carter poop?  Why are you wearing those sun glasses?  Are we lost?..............

Beating in time before our meal comes...Alaire teaching Carter how to play her favorite games on her Mom's phone.

All good this must come to a end but we are counting down until we can all play again at Christmas.


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