The Partying Begins

If you anything about this crazy know that we love to celebrate birthdays. Usually the partying last about a week.  We started the fun with Michael's favorite breakfast and finished the day with his favorite dinner at Casadores. 

Best birthday smile to date!

Home for cupcakes that Allyson, Doodles and Carter picked out!

The Epic Fail Mom smile.  

Mark and I got to sneak away with the yahoos one morning to WalMart to do a little birthday
shopping.  I thought we had done so well.  Ninjaga DS game, check...Pirates of the Caribbean movie, check.  Only to find out when Michael opened his gifts...he already has both.  He just looked at me and said 'epic fail Mom, epic fail.'


Jan said…
Love it. Great smile, and 'epic'-boy response!

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