Letters To Santa

We had time this morning to finish up our letters to Santa and have them in the mailbox before the letter carrier came by.  I'd say they are pretty priceless.

Carter watched Allyson talk about what he wanted to write in her letter and he was ready and waiting on the chair for me to help him with his.  Good thing Allyson can understand him.

Allyson could have gone on for days but I had to cut her off once we filled the page.

I know from experience that you never do something like this where anyone else can hear what is said  all the letter begin to sound the same.  We waited for Doodles to come back today to write hers.  So very original! I love it..she cracks me up on a daily basis!

We had to wait to run down to the mailbox in between the raindrops.  Doodles even said that it was a little 'soggy'...meaning foggy.

Everyone was patient and waited their turn.

Even Carter was into it big time.  And he can say Santa and does he ever get excited!

Our first year back in OH we made sure that Santa knew where Michael was.  We sent a letter just like this to the North Pole with no stamp and a few days later he got a letter back from Santa.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that will happen for the yahoos this year.

This morning I found this on the table.  I had to peek!


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