It Has Been A Busy One

...but probably everyone is busy right about now. Mr Renee, Luke, Michael and I took time out to begin our day with Breakfast With Santa. Now that might seem a little strange to you if you know Michael. He will have nothing to do with Santa...never has...except for that one time that Ms Renee took him to get his picture taken with Santa. It is the only one that we have. When we were walking into the school Michael reminded me of just one pictures with the man in the red suit...EVER...NEVER! That was the only rule. Yes Sir!
Where's Michael?  He is on there...can you find him?

We got to go thru the lunch line just like the kids do everyday.  Hmmmm, two pancakes and a sausage link with some OJ or milk.  FYI...we didn't get a knife because the only time they have knives is Thanksgiving.

We had to do a little last minutes Elf Shelf shopping.  I love it when Michael comes home after shopping at the Elf Shelf.  He actually puts some time and thought about each person and what he wants to get them.  I even got to spend a little time with his art teacher.

That was fun but we had to hurry home because each of us has some place to be and had people to see.


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