Fun Friday #14 Not A Happy Day In Wammyville

  I actually never thought this day would ever happen.  Not Fun Friday but a Fun Friday without a participant.  I figured the threat of not having one would do the trick.  I do believe that you need to stand on your word and what you say is exactly what you mean.  Pappy, not so much.  He was ready to let everyone have a Fun Friday last night when he realized someone didn't get all of their stars.  And I can say that it hurt me more doing everything in front of her than it bothered her.  Thank heavens Carter and Allyson gave her Christmas present today!

So today we made and decorated sugar cookies and made a reindeer bag to put them in.

Chef Carter

Mega chef Allyson

red and green sprinkles....And you can see who is sitting as close to the action as she can.

I am  in shock that he put on the chef stuff (and kept it on without a fuss) and then that actually put his fingers in the sprinkles.

I think Buddy of the Cake Boss better watch his back...Allyson might just be the Nest Top Boss! (In more ways than one)

We even make reindeer bags to put them in.

So now it is nap time and I am sitting in the floor of the girls room and they are just coming down from the sugar high.   They haven't developed that self-control sleeping in the bunk beds.  So I sit and read or write blogs while I wait for them to fall asleep. Looks like I might be here for awhile.

I can hear Carter snoring and the dogs singing us a little Christmas carol.  


Good job, Jan, sticking to your word!!

It was fun to see what your family is up to!!! Those cookies look yummy! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!

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