Fun Friday #13

Fun Friday with a BANG!!!!  For some it is a great and for one certain little man...not so good.  Almost as Michel was going out the door I reeled him back in and sent him back to pj's and bed.  He really didn't argue which I thought was a little strange.  Simply because all year he has been talking about having perfect attendance.  This morning he told me, 'Mom, I just realized that perfect attendance really isn't such a big deal.  I don't care about it any more because I realized that trophies just tarnish.'  Where does he come up with this stuff!?!  So he is in his room with the Hungarian snot sucker and a book which he did really read any of this you know he feels bad.  After lunch he will be on the living room couch so Carter can take his nap in peace.  I think I should send Mark to the library for the second book in the Lord of The Rings Trilogy.

We started Fun Friday a little early this week...Thursday we painted with our feet.  Found out Carter is really ticklish.

Allyson was the most patient painter.

Marli couldn't sit still if her life depended on it.  But she could sit in the laundry tub washing her feet forever...while sitting on top of the washer...something we NEVER get to do.

Ellis was the most unsure of all the 'painters'.  It took him three tries before he would let me even pick up the paint brush.  He was first since he is the oldest.

Alaire was the 'you can do it, it is fun' cheerleader for the group.  We got them laminated and this morning they appeared magically on the kitchen table ready to use.

The actual Fun Friday day we got to paint again.  This time everyone came up individually to the kitchen to paint a tile.

Alaire told me that she started out painting a gun but then changed her mind when we didn't have the right colors of paint.  Sorry Annie Oakley!

Living dangerous here.  Carter and Allyson have a a bag of paint clothes to change into but I thought we could do it today without them, since it was one-on-one with them.  Pappy was holding down the fort.

She was so thrilled to finally get her turn.  I took her pic with her shirt on right before we took it off so she could create with out she would worry about getting paint on her anywhere and everywhere for that matter.

This one did not like the fact that she had to wait her turn to paint.  But once she was in the painting seat, she mellowed out and created a masterpiece.

Ellis wasn't sure what he wanted to paint so I suggested that he look at everyone else's tile to see what they had done. "Oh Wammy, they are did impressionistic paintings, that  is what I want to do to".  Can you tell his Dad is artistic and paints?  (Not to leave out his very creative Mom)

So now it comes to lunchtime.  Today is also a special day for Doodles...tomorrow when we are out of town she will be celebrating her birthday.  Why not combine Fun Friday with her birthday?  Pappy got us a pizza that came with chocolate chip cookies.  While they were cleaning up the disaster zone once known as our basement, I was cooking and setting the table with our place mats and Dora napkins.

We sang happy birthday.  She blew out the candles.  And speaking of candles.  Does anyone else put an extra candle on the cake/cookies for one to grow on?  Mark said that was the craziest thing he has ever heard of.  I do it all the time.

Last night Alaire and I had 'Girls Time Out (she thought we were in trouble since time-out was in the sentence) while the scouts having Boys Time Out, we went birthday shopping and Alaire looked at every single girl thing in Target.  We ended up with a bag full of goodies!  I think Doodles loved each and every one of them...after snack we are finger nail polishing with all of the princess nail polish we got.  OH MY!  Her Mom is going to kill us!

We had a great day.  Every one's sleeping or resting and all is quiet on the home front.  Oh wait..I just heard the toilet lid crash.  Wonder who is up? 


The Oakes said…
I super laughed through that one!

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