Fun Friday #12

Oh, it is that time of year when I pull out all the fun preschool stuff and we have a ball.  This year it is lots more fun because the girls can actually do things like cut with scissors and glue.  Carter on the other hand...not so much.  But he thinks he is a big as the girls and he gives it a good try.  He doesn't look like it here but he did love his antlers and his red nose!

Oh then we got to sleep int he warm basement in the tent...actually it is a sun shade we used at the beach when the boys went on vacation with us.  They thought they had dies and gone to heaven!

And they actually slept!!!

Allyson brought popcorn for snack after naps.

Don't remember why she had such a sour puss!  It night have something to do with me always having the camera in her face.

Carter doesn't seem to mind the camera.

Popcorn and juice in the tent...Super Fun Friday.  I tried really hard to have them give you a two thumbs up but it never happened all at the same time.


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