Finally...The Real Thing

Oh how this party almost didn't happen.  But it did and the kids and adults had a blast!!!

Michael's Best Buds...Wyatt, Luke, and Skyler

Lynlee, Sarah, Emmy and Brooke

A little help here please

Michael and Wyatt working the carpeted path around the rink.  this is where it all begins!

The two daredevils!

One happy skating girl. 

She's still smiling.

the skating part of the party got two thumbs up from everyone!

The cake unveiling.  The boys all tried to sneak a peek before it was time to cut the cake.

Ms Renee knows this boy too well.  He loves his spaghetti and meatballs more than just about anything!  Priceless and he loved it!

After opening the gifts the floor and table tops became Lego Work Centers.

You will again need to mute the blog music so you can her all the great singing going on in the video.

For some light entertainment the boys and Lynlee singing some Mindcraft song...they are all obsessed with Mindcraft at the moment.  Michael and Wyatt plan to do this song for the talent show at school in the spring.


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