Ellis and Alaire's 'Anniversary' Visit

One day this week...they are all running together...the yahoos and  I took a road trip to KY to pick up Ellis and Alaire.  Cassie and Trevor's anniversary is this week ad  she is going to surprise him with a few days with no kids so they can get a few things done.  And the kids can go to WV with us the see the dam for Molly's graduation from Marshall (Yea Furball!)   So what is on tap for breakfast on day one...Wammy Donuts, or course!

I think she might have just a little ketchup on her chin from dinner...I hate when that happens.

There is no denying that this is Cassie's daughter.  When I look at this pic I see Cassie staring back at me.  Stay tuned for all the exciting things that are going to happen...hopefully not too many unplanned things.


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