Brooke and Christmas Cooking and Crafting

Brooke and Emmy did a little grocery shopping before meeting us at home.  They decided that the rest of our day would be spent cooking and watching movies.  Fine by me...except I never made it to the movie portion of the day.  Seems there were other more pressing things to attend to.  But that is okay I got to eat lunch at Miami Market...

and look what Emmy found...Frostop Root beer from the Frostop in Huntington...

Can you taste the peppermint ice cream in these chip-o-wheelies?  Then the chocolate chip cookies are Brooke's grandfathers secret recipe.  She shared all the top secret secrets with Michael...her ready and able helper.

Then to top everything off....fudge using my grandmother's fudge recipe.  I haven't had any fudge that gives me that little tickle in my throat since my grandmother passes about 32 years ago.  Brooke and Emmy came pretty close.  It is delicious.  It is all I have eaten since they made it.

Oh and there is a brisket marinating in the fridge  that will surly smell up the house tomorrow.  My mouth is watering now just thinking about it.

I know I said that I would never do it, that I didn't have time...but I did it.  I am now a 'pinner'  OMGosh, the stuff that you can find...I will be crafting until the year 2050.  I still am not quite sure what I am doing but I have found some of the coolest things.  This is just one of them.  I have seen these in the Rowe House Gallery in Old Milford.  They want an arm and a leg.  But for under $2.00 I made four of them.  There is definitely a learning curve but I have it down now...I can whip them out like no other.


Jan said…
Pinning is a lot of fun. Here's my boards:
leigh ann said…
i have some lightbulbs that a friend took the guts out of for me. did you make the one in this pic? it looks like the little lid's still on the end. how'd you do that?

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