Thumbs Up Thursday

This blog is two fold...I want to tell you about something exciting that Emmy and I have been hoping for and the other is something that Trevor does with his youth group.

(I have more chins than in Chinese phone book)

Last weekend was Hometown Holidays in Old Milford.  All the little shops are open.  Everything is decorated for Christmas.  Christmas music travels up and down Main Street.  There are carriage rides.  Santa makes a appearance.  There are roasted almonds on the corner for sale.  A real fun time with an old school flavor.  I love it!  We try to go every year.    We have several favorite shops in Old being RRT.. Roads, Rivers and Trails.   Emmy read on FB that they were holding a fund raiser for Children's raffle tickets for a chance to win something they had displayed in the storefront.  We were all over it...crossing our fingers that we would win something, anything.  The raffle was over on Sunday evening.  We checked Monday morning on FB to see if the winners were listed.  Nothing.  Then we checked again in the afternoon.  Nothing.  Evening. Again nothing.  We had given up hope.  Then out
of the blue tonight I get a call from a number I don't recognize.  I usually don't answer those kinds of numbers.  But for some reason I did.  I WON!!!!!  The young man (they are all young there) said I could tell him what I wanted over the phone or I could come down to claim my prize.  I very enthusiastically!! told him how excited I was.  I think he could already tell that.  I told him that Emmy and I had been texting back and forth for several days wondering if we were going to be one of the lucky ones.  We had lost hope.  Then he says that he thought that there was another winner with the last name Ellis.  Emmy's name was chosen after mine!!!!  It was all I could do not to call her and tell her.  I had my phone in hand and finger on the answer thingy waiting for her to call.  And she did.   We decided to go down right after the yahoos got picked up.  FUN!!!  Emmy woke Saffi, Ernie and Fiona up from their naps (it was time for them to get up) and we all meet on the sidewalk in front of the store.  Saffi had on her ladybug antenna, Ernie had on his headlamp. While Fiona was sporting some purple sparkle shoes.  We all were looking sweet.

I was hoping there would be a sleeping bag left.  No luck there but I did just happen to run my hand over a really cool eno singlenest hammock.  I have been talking about getting a hammock for sometime.  Now I have one.  Yea me!  Can't tell you what Emmy got because she had decided on one thing and then while we were standing there talking a winner before her wanted to bring his prize back and trade it in for something else...what Emmy chose.  So they just switched.  So now we are dreaming for better weather so we can go out into the wilderness and use our new stuff.

The second part of this blog...Trevor's Thumbs Up Thursday.  Every Thursday Trevor asks the kids (and/or others) to stop for a second and take a picture of what they are doing with a thumbs up sign and post it on the groups FB page.  So we gave Michael the camera and asked him to take a shot of us in front of RRT...I think he did a pretty awesome job.

FYI...I was just reading the back of one of the tags that is hanging of the was made in Asheville, NC.  My dream spot to retire and live in a log cabin.  I think it is meant to be!


Jan said…
That is so cool that you both won. What are the odds of that!

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