Thanksgiving Fun Shots and Bloopers

I made some acorn squash from the CSA box.  It is a real easy recipe and it tastes pretty good too.

Acorn Squash With Granny Smith Apples
3 acorn squash, halved and seeded
2 Tablespoons of stick butter
1 cup of chopped onions
3 cups of chopped Granny Smith apples
2 Tablespoons of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 1/2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese

Preheat over to 350 degrees.  Add 1/2 inch of water to a baking dish.  Turn squash over to rest in the water with cut side down.  Bake for 40 minutes.  While squash is baking melt the butter in a large skillet on medium heat.  Cook onions and apples for 10 minutes until tender.  Scrape into a bowl and lwt cool.  Once squash is cooked stir in brown sugar, cinnamon, and cheese into apple-onion mixture.  Stuff acron squash with the mixture.  Return to oven for 15 minutes.

Jon and Angela and the kids came back for some hot chocolate and to visit with the entire family.  Looks like Stitch might have some competition.

This is a Polar Express lover.  I shared my special hot chocolate cup with him.

I think he might have been a little excited...what do you think.  Jon and Angela are trying hard to find him his own cup and saucer.  They have found them on Ebay but they are $100.  If you know of anyone that has one they might want to sell or give to a wonderful little boy, please let me know.  He would be beyond thrilled.

These two look like they could be sisters from the back.

This is Charlie...Sarah's dog.  Alaire was in seventh heaven!

Look what I found boys.  Note to self...always know where your camera is!


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