A Perfect Night.

We could call this Tailgate or Treat I guess.

Getting ready to go with Luke, Ethan, and Michael.  Mark made it home just in time for passing out the candy.

Renee and John, the best neighbors ever...the men had it easy in their chairs ...we walked and kept warm while their tootsies got a little cold.  Next year the ladies are passing out the candy and the men are walking.  We have already planned a campfire at the end of the driveway.

Earlier in the day I say this kids in this yard raking leaves.  I made the comment to Emmy that he would never get finished if he continued to work like that.  Wow, do I feel like a smuck...it looked great!

Total loot minus a few pieces that we ate along the way.  I even got a bowl of chili at one house...and was it ever good!

I have been saving milk cartons for a long time.  These luminaries went along one side of the driveway.  They looked really cool.

This is Michael and Mark's masterpiece of a Jack-O-Lantern.  They were thrilled about the light and how it made it look.
Renee and I were talking that we don't know how many more years we are going to get to go with the boys.  It will be sad when they think they can do it on their own.  We may never let them!

We did miss the other two treaters, Skyler and Lynlee.  Next year we will make sure to do better planning.


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