Out With the Old and In With The New

Oh, and what a challenge it was for me to give the okay to bring the blogs into the 21 century and out of the old school blog era!  You must first understand that I take blogging very seriously.  The blogging madness all started when everyone lived in different states.  The the most wonderful thing happened...we were blessed with two of the greatest grand kids on the planet.  Only problem was...they were clear across the country and with every move sent farther out west.  Not a good thing for this Wammy.  I wanted them to be able to know their grandparents like my sister and I knew our grandparents.  I wanted them to see pictures of where they would be playing, sleeping, eating...be comfortable in their surroundings when they came to visit.  That sorta mushroomed into my parents and Mark's parents being able to see what their grand kids were doing.  And not to mention trying to let our friends in places from here to there know what we were doing.  I guess it just simply boils down to keeping in touch with those we love.

Now back to the new look...I have a friend in CA who has a daughter in NC that has her own blog design company.  I had asked her once before to help me out with the old banner of the family.  She was very gracious and came up with a banner that I loved.  I wasn't quite techie enough to figure it out.  We did a little bartering thing which was great.  On Monday all the kids, grand kids and dogs were here for Thanksgiving and I thought what a great time to get a huge family picture.  Then individuals to update the pictures on the blog header.  Super idea...one problem...how do I go about replacing the shots.  So I emailed Carrie and asked if she would take care of it for me.  She was gracious enough to say yes and has been working on it on and off all for two days.  We have sent countless emails tweaking the blogs new look.  Then she asked if I would like work done on the others also.  It took a few minutes and some deep breathing to say yes.  The long and short of it....I love the new look (it might take a while to get used to the new colors and design).  I decided to leave Cedarmore Farm CSA and Thru The Eyes of M.E. as they were originally designed because those aren't actually my blogs.

There are new buttons on the top to take you to all the blogs or they can still be located on the sidebar.  The music is still at the bottom.  And you still must mute it to hear the videos in the blog entries.

Let me know what you think.  Visit Carrie at Sweet Faerie Designs.


Jan said…
Looks great. Carrie's the best.

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