Jeremy and Sharon's Wedding

I need to apologize for all the pictures that are about to be posted. These are for all the family out of town from the east coast to the west coast that were not able to attend to the wedding. I know that they wish they could have been here in person.  Hopefully this will be the next best thing.

Yesterday afternoon we loaded up the van...all seat belts taken...and headed for Columbus for Jeremy and Sharon's wedding.  A caravan of sorts...Bryce and Tini coming a little later.  And Sarah a little after that.  We all made it and were present on the back row (because that is where you sit when you have little ones that might need to exit quickly for a number of reasons.)

We got lucky and got to see Jeremy all decked out before the ceremony.

We also got to see Casey ( Jason's wife) Mark and Kathleen (Aunt Kate and Uncle Mark to us) and the handsome Best Man Jason (Jeremy's brother).

Mark and Kate looked great!  Love the new long hair. 

The Napier men

Oh and have your heard...they are pregnant!

Good luckin' bunch.

And look who preformed the ceremony...Popaw Creasy.  Love that man.

Love that look Jeremy is giving Sharon.

The real serious part

Check out the attendants and the flower girls...they were beautiful!

Our first look.  Mr and Mrs Jeremy Napier

Sharon smiled and greeted guests as she made her way down the aisle.

I think Jeremy was worried that he might step on Sharon's gown because he seldom looked up all the way to the back of the church.

Now this is the way to ride!!!

They were lke movie stars arriving on the red carpet...literally a red carpet with red rose petals and lots of cameras flashing.

Just trying to get that artsy Michael would say..."epic fail"

I know these people...Gracie, Roger and Carol Adams, David and Jane Jenkins, Gloria and her husband Randy Urian, and Dale and Martha Creasy. 

One of our favorite families...Luke, Blake, Max, Greg, and Leigh Ann Creasy.

Oh look, Casey is getting ready to eat again.  Grayson must be off with his Momma because that is his Daddy sitting beside the empty high chair.  Tini and Bryce, what a lovely couple they make.  And the tall guy in the blue shirt is Adam Young.

The grooms honor of all the years that Jeremy played basketball.

When was the last time you saw a bride and groom feed each other cake with forks?  Don't think I ever have,.  But they did break down and feed each other pieces with their fingers.  Really good cake!

first dance

This always makes me cry!  Especially if it is one of 'my boys' doing the dancing.

Randy and Gloria all dolled up for their screen shot.

Can you believe it, Uncle Dale and Aunt Martha.

And then crack me up...David and Jane!

Bill (my oldest friend for real) and Jerri took the kids out for pics and then shared.

We had a great time.  Enjoyed ourselves.  Loved being able to be with family and friends but mostly loved being able to share this very special day with Jeremy and Sharon.  About now they are on their way to a wonderful honeymoon where it is nice and warm.  They will be back to school in a week.  They each have one more year at Dallas Theological Seminary  and then who know where their road will lead.


Jan said…
What a wonderful wedding, Jan. I'm so glad you shared it. (I liked your "artsy" photo!)

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