Fun Friday #9

Another Fun Friday has come and gone.  If was a little iffy there for awhile but then we go things straightened out and were back on track.  So what do you do when the forecast is calling for morning showers...go to Target, of course.

Michael thinks it would be the coolest thing on earth to eat lunch at Target at their little cafe.  He has tried to talk me into that several times.  Thought snack would be more fun for the little ones because they do love a big bag of popcorn.

"Wammy, is my tongue blue?"

Always before we go anywhere as a 'herd' we go over the rules before getting out of the van.  Perfect execution today.  Everyone was happy and very well behaved.  Several people even told us so.  They even asked it Allyson and Doodles were twins! Doodles said yes,  She is such a goof!  

Quote of the morning from Allyson..."Wammy, the is the best Fun Friday I have ever had in my whole life!"

 On the way in the house before the rain we stopped in the backyard to get a few leaves for painting.  These yahoos love to paint!  They would paint every minutes of every day if I would let them.

Julie has packed a bag of 'paint clothes' for her two for just this reason.  Carter likes to paint...anything that he can stroke his brush over.  Today it was the leg of his pants.

Doodles is becoming the most serious painter.

Then after naps it was time for some 'nest making' as the girls call it.  I just think of it as leaf raking.

By the time all is said and done we have the rake and all of the brooms out trying to make the nest even bigger.

Our resident monkey loves to explore...nothing is out of sight or out of reach as far as he is concerned.

One funny story...While we were snacking on popcorn and ICEES we were checking out the Christmas decorations Target already has on display.  Doodles asked if we could go look at the toys.  I said that we would probably have to do that another Fun Friday.  She was fine with that.  Then Allyson chimed in to ask if we could go look at the shoes and clothes.  And she knows exactly where to find them in the store!


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