Ellis's 6th Birthday Party

Friday Michael had an early release, so a soon as Doodles woke up from her nap and we picked up her Dad (they were meeting Kelli at Cassie's because they were headed to SC to cheer on the Terriers) we were on our way with gifts and dogs in kennels...headed for Lexington better known this weekend as Birthday Central!

Friend Birthday Party breakfast of Wammy donuts!  Yeaaaaa!

She looks pretty good here.  The night before was a rough one...we are calling this birthday...the birthday that almost wasn't.  Alaire had a BAD stomach bug.  Cassie debated long and hard about what to do.  We figured if she could keep down donuts and milk she was good to go.

The birthday boy reminded us that Alaire got to pick the lunch spot before her birthday...so off to Penn Station we went.  This is the boys table.

Michael got the shot of the girls table.  Girls Rule!

Where the fun begins!

I definitely see this in her future if her Dad has any say in it.

You have to see the back of the capes in the cupcakes.  Cassie and Trevor are so clever!

Getting things ready for the big game.

Nice form...

working the angles...

getting a little instruction

Theme for the party...Super Heroes!  Cassie made capes for all the kids.  Michael liked his but decided to donate it to Shanna, a neighbor of Ellis and Alaire.  She was more than thrilled with her new cape.

There were even really little super heroes.

There was so much of this type of thing we just started taking care of it ourselves. The poor guy at the desk didn't get paid enough tonight that is for sure.

Youngest Super Hero at the party..Super Cute Baby

FYI...EBB stands for Ellis Birthday Boy and UM is Uncle Michael.

Ellis loved his birthday but the singing ...not so much.

Uncle Bryce and Tini stopped in for a bit (they were in town visiting her sister at UK).  The gun was a gigantic hit!

I think Michael's love for Lego's has rubbed off on Ellis.

Just a bit ago I got this pic from Cassie saying that she has never seen Maddie so tired.  She played hard with Ella and Seau.

This is what I sent her back.

All is well in OH and KY.  Now we get to do it all over again on Monday night (two Mondays from now at our house) so Pappy, Auntie Em and Aunt Sarah can get in on all the fun.  I think by then we will be birthday tuckered out!


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