Cassie's Goodwill Jackpot

You just never know what will happen with you go thru the doors of Goodwill.
Cassie and Emmy went to check out Goodwill while I watched over a house full of sleeping kids yesterday.  I get a phone call about half way thru nap time.  Mom, I found a really nice piano!  I am hoping that she will take time and give you all the details because the story is just to good not to tell.

We listened to the rain all night long.  We watched the weather channel to check on the storm front that would be passing thru.  So this morning they were waiting for the doors to open so they could pick up the piano in between the rain showers.

I think a short run to Lowe's  for a furniture pad and some plastic wrap was the first stop.  And there is Cassie acting like Vanna White...Ta Da!

She' a beauty.  Built in 1954...mahogany...and in almost perfect condition.  It really is amazing.

I was in charge of documentation and...

crowd control!

Once we got it in everyone got a change to play a little tune.  They loved it!

Cassie took a few moments to explain how a piano works and we all got to look inside and watch the hammers strike the piano strings.

I'm thinking that it looks pretty darn good right where she is.  I even watched a YouTube video and I can say that I am the first one to play Hot Crossed Buns on her.

So now I guess I am in the market for a piano that looks close to this one.  The wood matched everything int he living room perfectly.  Cassie are you sure that you don;t want to leave this one here and we can find you one in Lexington?


Jan said…
That looks a lot like the one I learned on. No, I no longer play.

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