Birthday Cake Breakfast

We were having such a good time last night and things were a little crazy that we forgot two things...baked beans in the oven and Ellis's birthday cake. About the time Ellis settled in the top bunk he remembered that we had forgotten his cake. So being the god Wammy I am I promised that for breakfast the next morning we would have birthday cake You should have see the smile on his face and heard the surprised really in his voice.

So that is just what we did.  It doesn't look like it here but he is thrilled to death.  Alaire is beside herself.  I love being the Wammy!

Ah, now I'm starting to feel the joy!

Peep trying to convince Alaire to share her candles!  No Way Big Guy...not happening!

There is a story behind this cake.  No one but Pappy realized that our 'Thanksgiving' dinner was also a family birthday party for number 4, I think.  Alaire  and I had to rush to Kroger to get a time to bake one.  She chose this one with a dollar on it because 'Ellis could put the dollar in his bank'.  I tried to explain, really I did.  When the cake went into the fridge it looked like a perfectly awesome Kroger cake,  When I got it out this morning it was like someone sat on it.   Ellis did not seem to care one bit.  He was having cake for breakfast!

Just what Doodles needs a little sugar to start the day off right.

Allyson always so nice and neat, except when he has a lap full of milk and is screaming at the top of her lungs for you to get it off.

Gone in three bites.

Making it last as long as he could and lovin' every minute of it.

If you read one of the earlier posts you will know that Cassie is now the proud owner of a 'Goodwill' piano.  Well, sorta.  It is in my living room!  As long as the weather is yucky and Pappy is working there is really no way to get it to Lexington.  So I guess we will just have to enjoy it for her until the weather breaks.  I'm excited but no one in the family plays.  I did teach myself how to play Hot Cross Buns by watching a YouTube video.  Then I taught Ellis and this morning he taught Alaire.


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