Sweet Halloween Creations

While the boys were out doing the manly thing of carving the pumpkin, Emmy and I were whipping up sweet treats for Halloween.

Kelli has been raving about pumpkin ice cream for a few days so she dropped a few pints off on Friday.  We had some chocolate chip cookies dough in the fridge....

You should have seen Emmy...Graeter's has nothing on our pumpkin chocolate chip chip-o-wheelies!

Cassie you would be jealous!  I think Michael is planning to have the last one for snack after school tomorrow. Hope one is still there when he opens the freezer!

Let me just be upfront and say that I am not a cookie decorator at all.  I love to eat them but to do all the work...no thanks.  But I sucked it up and did the best I could.  The kids won't care tomorrow when they see them.  They will be excited and smile from ear to ear and that will make it alright.  It will have been worth it.


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