Soccer In Lexington, KY

I just love a crisp fall soccer game!  We loaded up everything thing in the house including Emmy's old bedroom furniture, Michael and his imagination and the dogs complete with kennels and headed to Lexington at 6AM on Saturday morning.  Big day for the fam...Ellis soccer game, Alaire's birthday and lots of fun in between.  Peep and Molly were coming from Huntington (a little over two hours I think) and us from Cincinnati (a little over two hours)...poor Cassie and Trevor...their house will never be the same...and the same goes with the neighborhood kids!

missing a few Sharks

It was so cold he couldn't feel that his hat was on top of his was frozen! 

getting ready to play




Shark fan base

rest period

hot chocolate

some kind of kick

sideline entertainment

after game high fives with the other team

listening to awards

receiving the black sticker



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