School Skating Party

Once again something I never dreamed Michel would like to do..skating.  Renee, Luke, Michael, and I made our annual trip to the Skate Land in Loveland for the school first skating party of the year.  And a bonus...if you are in the top 100 that drink and slice of pizza.  Just so you know we were numbers 23 and 24.  And we got a great table that faced the rink!  Yea Ms Renee!

Michael prefers to make his rounds on the carpeted area in the rink.  He feels more confident in the more traction approach.

He had us timing him with each lap.  And with each lap he got faster.  It is a real workout for sure.  Maybe we should try this as a family...good exercise and lots of fun.

Sometimes he is literally hugging the wall.

The request sheet.  I know he made at least two requests for his favorite songs.  Does he know songs?  Guess so.

I have saved the best for last.  In the video to follow I must explain that it was his first time on the hardwood floor of the night.  It is a game, The Dice Game.  And he almost won!  Again another priceless piece to put in the family time capsule.


The Oakes said…
I would love to know what his music requests were!

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