Popcorn Saless

Checking everything out before attempting to sell some of the 'good stuff'.

So far out of his comfort zone it is not even funny.  I think if we could have spent the entire day he would have gotten it about the last hour.

This was the sweetest Mom.  She bought popping corn and then proceeded to tell us how she fixes it.  Her kids prefer it to the microwaved stuff.  I'm with them.  She made my mouth water.

He was happy all day...best looking scout there!  /selling (talking to strangers) is definitely not his thing.

We signed up to sell with our favorite scout family...Wyatt and his parents.  Now Wyatt could sell ice cubes to Eskimos!  That kids was after it and so polite all day long.
so if you are about at you favorite grocery store or our favorite hardware store or even Wally World...if a cute little scout gets up enough nerve to ask you if you want to buy some popcorn take a minutes to look him in the eye and have a conversation.  It will make your day for sure.  And you can make their by giving a donation or spending a few bucks on popcorn.  Whatever you choose....have a great day!


Jan said…
We always buy, Bob was a Boy Scout and I was a Girl Scout, practically until I was married!

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