Halloween Gingerbread House

I have a feeling that Michael will be some sort of engineer when her grows up.  He loves construction, always has.  And gingerbread kits...we have made them all.  This year it was a Haunted House.

This entire process took us all weekend.  If we could have stuck with it...maybe one day for construction and completion.

Each time we make something out of gingerbread we learn a little that we can use for the next construction project.  This year..have the surface as flat as you can so there is no running or dripping of the icing.

Michael is all about the details.  His little mind goes a mile a minute.  He tries to explain to me what he is seeing in his minds eye...sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't.

Almost complete!

Looks pretty spooky to me.  Now, where do I display it so that dogs can't get to it and little fingers won't be tempted to touch?


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