Fun Friday #7 Halloween Party

I don't think I have ever seen the yahoos as excited as they have been over the last couple of days.  Star chart filled up and expectations were high...not to even mention the energy levels.  Friday finally is here and the party was one of the best ever! But we were missing a few friends...Viv and Max will have to come another day and we will do something else special.

Lots of fun things planned...I wrote out a lesson plan just like I used to do in preschool.  Ahhh, it felt good to be back there again.  Everyone is either learning to recognize, spell or write their names...even Carter and Fiona.

Doodlebop ...she is making the awful face because her earrings are pinching her ears.  She kept telling me that Emmy was going to fix them..didn't happen sorry.

This is the cutest idea ever...Allyson is the deer...

And Carter is the hunter...complete with everything camo.  And he loves it!

We took a very short walk over to Ms Renee's house to Trick-or-Treat.  She was so funny!  When she saw Emmy in her rocket ship costume she about lost it. We walked down her driveway and back up ours and into the house where it was warm because Emmy's kids were freezing.  And we had to get this party started.

First order of business..playing with cookie cutters and playdough.  I whipped some up using orange Koolaid..just like back in the day.  When you opened the container it made your mouth water.  Ernie said it smelled like lemons.

I found some witches hats, bats and black cats that I had saved from my birthday cupcakes last year and added all the Halloween cookie cutters I could find.

This is what I call really getting into to it!

Fiona was having such a good time.

Downstairs to pumpkin painting.  Saffi just really wanted to mix the colors.  Think it ended up being a really nice autumn painting.

Ernie took his time and painted ever crease in his little pumpkin.  And you will notice that they all painted with no costumes/shirts on...that's just how we roll at Wammy's house.

Allyson is always so neat and tidy with all the art projects we do.

I believe that Doodles painted her entire pumpkin a rainbow of fall colors.

Carter even got in on the action.  He loves to paint!

Then it was time to pick up toys and head to the kitchen for lunch/party treat time.  Patty, the cookies were a GIANT hit!  Thank you so much!

Every time you looked at Carter his cheeks were full.

Ernie really liked the popcorn in his special Jack-O_Lantern cup.

I just love it when my table is filled with smiling happy children...I don't care what age...makes my heart happy! SBN

Oops, there he goes again...I think he might be storing it all up for the winter.

I'd say that the cookies were a big hit with Fiona also.

One of my favorite Halloween crafts...SPIDER HATS!!

We had so much fun.  We laughed, cried, danced, sang songs, eat lots of stuff, and just had fun hanging out.  This is the greatest bunch of little kids around!  We were having so much fun that I forgot to ready my Five Little Pumpkins book.  So next time we get together it will have to be with Viv and Max too.  Can hardly wait.  Now where am I going to find two extra chairs to pull up to the table?


Pappy said…
Boo! Sounds like a spooky good time.

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