Fun Friday #6

You never know the plan when Pappy is off on Fun Friday.  I had planned a day of feet painting (later blog).  When Pappy is off it ALWAYS means a field trip to somewhere we have never been.

Today, a nice crisp fall day, we headed towards Hillsboro, I think.  There were a few detours but we finally made it.

We came in search of apples but found lots of pumpkins.

All shapes and sizes.

 Everybody gets one.

This is the happiest bunch of yahoos I know...right now at this moment...

The pumpkin weighted more then him but he was determined.

And she was not to be outdone.

We had hoped to pick some apples but apple picking season is over.  There still were a few on the trees so we just took a hike thru the orchard.

Some of us lasted longer than the others.  All he wanted was a 'ball.'

One last apple on this tree..tight beside a bird nest.

Doodles picking her apple.

Carter finding his.

Allyson and Pappy searching for just one more apple...the perfect apple.

Carter's favorite were all the 'balls' that were on the ground.

The Pied Piper

Wonder how many they really ate?

I think we might just have to go back when everything is happening.  Today it was a lazy do it your self walk around the property...which was nice.

Once we got home we stripped down to our (their) skivvies and fainted with our feet.  I know from experience that 'feets' painting can get a little messy.  Even with special  paint clothes we get paint everywhere.

We always have a snack and today it was soooo special....

Allyson and Carter brought everyone two mini jack-o-lantern cookies from Buskens!  Yummmmmm

Doodles is not feeling 100%.  You know she is not feel well if she doesn't finish her cookies.


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