Egg Drop

You ask...What is an Egg Drop? Just as it sounds. Here are the instructions what we were given

Den pre-built Egg Drop Container (one each per DEN)

1) Egg drop container must weigh a minimum of 5 lbs
2) No parachutes 
3) Egg must be available/accessible between drops for inspection 
On-site built containers (on each per RANK)
Dens should bring [emphasis on recycle/reuse/re-purpose ]
1) up to 5 USED shoe strings 
2) Newspaper 
3) a wash rag from home 12" x 12" max
Other mystery materials will be used for the onsite build but will be provided 
by the pack, and will include more recycled items.

In the event of a unbroken egg tie the heaviest container will be declared the 

Dens may bring additional Biodegradable / water soluable items for that 
exploding visual effect we all know and love !

Our Den contribution to the Big Drop of 104 feet was a 9 pound box.  There were a wide variety of constructions and weights.  I heard that one Den constructed a 'BOX' that weighed somewhere in the 20 pound range.

Then the Dens had to put on their thinking caps and construct something in 15 minutes from recyclable and three empty milk cartons and some shoe strings.  Ideas were flying everywhere but not a lot of work was being done...go figure.

Great minds coming up with a plan.

Looks like they are still thinking.

There we go something being done.

gentle placement of the egg

And it is time to go outside.

104 feet here we come...long way up there for sure

Michael was chosen to go retrieve our box and check to see if we survived.

Terminated is what he said when he came back...we showed a slight crack.  That's okay we still had one more chance with the 'creation' that the boys just finished.


How about this giant popcorn ball for an idea.  There is an egg inside.  But it meet it's demise at 104 feet.

Good news we heard was that we were in a three way tie for first.  So we will see who won at the next Pack Meeting.


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