A Closer Look At Valley View

By the looks of the map, we might have to go back several times to complete al the trails at the
Nature Preserve.
There are lots of trails int he woods by the river and trails that have been mowed thru the prairie.

It was the best day ever to go for a hike.  Little wind, warm sunshine and all kinds of creatures and flowers to look at.  I think Ellis and Alaire are going to love it when they come.

This was the only primitive campsite that we could find.  Nice big fire ring and lots of wood already stacked.  And the ground is pretty level.

There are trails along the river.  We had to walk just a bit to find one that would lead down to the river but we did.  I wonder if we could put the kayaks in here?  Where would it take you?

I see many more trips to the Preserve and Ella might just get to come the next time.  Wonder how long it will take us to figure out how to get up on this tree for a pic?

You need to be really careful along with path...one wrong step and you drop straight into the river.  And it is a pretty good drop.

One of the things on my Bucket List is to photograph a Monarch butterfly.  I am wonder if this might be the real thing or an impostor?


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