We Have A Bunny

I couldn't wait any longer. So I loaded up the three yahoo and headed for Betsy's house. Our ride was three-fold...I had something Amish to deliver to Betsy, Carter needed a nap and we had to pick up the bunny before Michael and Luke went into a conniption fit.  I loaded the laundry basket with some Timothy hay and off we headed.

When Michael gets home from school we are going to do some research to see if we can figure out the breed and sex..so stay tuned!

He's in love!

He is so excited.  Luke has already volunteered to bunny-sit when we go on vacation.

After research this is what we have learned...

We have a female, Tri-color Rex, originally from France.
They call this breed Velveteen Rabbits due to the texture of their fur.  It is 1/2 to 7/8 inches long.
Their fur stands on end...doesn't lay back at all.
They do not need to be brushed.
They are very friendly, gentle and loving animals.
They are playful and very smart.
They can be taught tricks...to come when you call and to stand on command.
They have a 5-6 year life expectancy.
They grow to be 7 to 10 pounds.
Their toenails match the color of their fur.
They have been known to jump three feet high.
And the best...they are often used to be foster mothers.

Now all we need is a name.  We are asking you to leave your choice for a name in the comment section of this blog.  Sometime next week, Michael will announce the winner on his blog.


Jan said…
Oh, I'm so jealous. I love your rabbit. When Carrie was a teen she bought a French Lop. Loved that guy, his name was Sam. I have a name suggestion, based on her/his great eyes - Bandit.
ReRe said…
micheal i love your bummy he is very pretty.

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