Terrific Tuesday

Kelli suggested that maybe we should start the week out with Terrific Tuesday...it is the first day that all three of the yahoos are here. Doodles gets to spend trim with her grandparents on Mondays. What better day to start then one where Pappy is off. Little did he know what we had planned. No one really knew we were flying by the seat of our pants. First stop McDonald's for some cookies and coffee. (we packed water bottles...a trick we learned from Ellis and Alaire.) Someone suggested a drive (Pappy)..nah we want to go to the 'dinosaur park'...

three little monkeys hanging on a bar....

They love crossing over the creek on the bridge.  If you look really close to the right side of the big rock there is a complete snake skin.  It looked like it was swimming around the rock.

We always take a little hike around the Frisbee course.  Today we met some Frisbee players.

Since it was too chilly to get in the water we just threw lots of black walnuts in.

One of my favorite things of fall. an hedge apple or Osage orange.  The squirrels love them so we brought this one home to our squirrels because we don't have any around here.



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