Still Getting Ready

Imagine how excited I was this morning when I got on FreeCycle and someone was giving away bunny stuff!!!!! I would have been more thrilled if I had seen it sooner...we had just gotten back from Complete PetsMart with some things for our soon-to-be bunny. Thank heavens we couldn't find all the little things that we needed. So Luke, Michael and I jumped in the van with the address in the Garmin. Only about 5 miles from us!
Lots of timothy hay for bedding and eating, lots of variety in food, toys, lots of different water bottles, several food dishes...but I squealed when I saw was was in the bottom on the box....

a harness and leash!  Can't you see Carter, Allyson and Doodles hopping around the yard with a rabbit on a leash while I am trying to keep the dogs calm.  Should be interesting to say the least.


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