Not So Fun, Fun Friday

Well, let's just make it short and sweet and say that this week was stellar!  And as a result there will be no happy faces for Fun Friday today.
Allyson is upset because we can't go outside and see Caramel.  She promises to be nice to her brother from this day forward and not scream at the top of her lungs.  She promises to try to work things out by speaking calmly.

Carter, a man of few words, literally, promises not to wreck everything the girls make and no more biting.  Most kicking the old dog.  That gets you a major time out right about now..which he puts himself in.

This one, oh this one!  She is major sad that we don't get to paint and eat a special snack today.  She promises to say that she likes all of her friends, not throw toys, and not to bump any one's cup while they are drinking.

It actually is sad around here.  I was ready with new trays for  finger painting with shaving cream.  And we were going to build our own snacks with mini marshmallows and pretzel sticks.  

So we talked and came up with a solution.  We will be helpful in picking up things and putting them in their right place.  We will be nice to each other.  We will help each other.  We will play nicely. And we will stay in our beds at nap time. Earning stars is our goal.  Three stars each earns a Fun Friday...with all the bells and whistles!

I am the only one loving this Not So Fun, Fun Friday.

Oh gotta go.  Naps are officially underway.  Coffee is brewed, dogs have been out, quilt strategically positioned on the reading couch and those brownies are screaming my name.  Oh how I love a Not So Fun, Fun Friday.


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