'Hungarian Snot Sucker'

I know that sounds really gross but I am here to tell you it is the best thing since lotion was added to Kleenex!
Emmy has been telling me about this nasal aspirator for a year or so.  Some of the people that live in the neighborhood where she Nanny's are from England and they have one and they swear by it.  We used the Netti pot and love it.  But this seems so much nicer.  You hook it up to your vacuum cleaner (I know what you are thinking) and it very gently sucks out all the green stuff that has taken up residence in your nose.  Watch the YouTube video..little babies do it themselves under adult supervision of course.

Ours literally did come all the way from Hungary and not a day to soon.  I see it being used almost everyday until the first frost around here.  I have to tell you that Michael was a little hesitant about it and still isn't a big fan and I was just a little grossed out by all the green stuff that collected in the little tube (of i forgot that part...it is collected in a little tube not the vacuum cleaner).  But clean up is a snap.  We love it!


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