Fun Friday #3

Today we had several special things to do on Fun Friday. First we had some special visitors for play and lunch.
We had a big Fun Friday scheduled but it just kept getting bigger and bigger.  Emmy and her crew can for playtime and lunch. is always a fun house when you have six under the age of 4.  Seriously, tons of fun!

Caramel had to show off her new exercise pen.  She loves it and the kids got a kick out of her jumping all around.

And of course everyone had to love on her before she was put back in her hutch.

Emmy brought all the ingredients to make lotion bags so we could practice writing our alphabet.  And we made some green peppermint flavored play dough.  (Ahh, I still have it after all these years)

Don't think Saffie was feeling very well...she looks a little tired actually.

Fiona...AKA...Home Girl...needed all the cookie cutter at once.  Notice her cool homemade bracelet.  Tyler made one for Emmy while he was in Kuwait and then a few weekends ago he taught her how to make them.

Just a little Emmy Time and Saffie perked right up.

Doodle with her elephant.

Ernie with his flamingo.

Allyson with her giraffe.

What's a Fun Friday without a special Pappy Picked treat.

And look who decided that it was really good.

Michael, this pic is for you.  Ernie wanted you to be sure to see his shirt.

And one last special of the day...Allyson brought popcorn to be popped and had for snack after naps.

We never get to have snacks in the family room in front of the TV.  WOW!  And did they think it was ever so cool.

That Pappy, he sure does know how to make a Fun Friday extra special.

Just in case you are looking for a great play dough recipe...

Wammy's Cooked Play Dough

1 cup of flour
1 cup of warm water
2 teaspoons of cream of tartar
1 teaspoon of oil
1/4 cup of salt
a little food coloring
a little extract or some spices

 Put all ingredients in a sauce pan over medium heat.  Cook until all ingredients for a ball.  Dough will be warm but needs to be worked to move the coloring throughout.  It is fun to watch the play dough get move vivid with every squeeze.  Store in sealed container or baggie in the refrigerator.


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