Nice Little Hike

We tried to hit as many trails as we could before we passed out or the kids began to whine. this was the last hike of the day and it could ave not been more perfect.  The first part of the trail is a paved sidewalk.  We had read there was a cave but when we got to the cave entrance it was closed because some people chose not to follow the rules and stay on the paved path.  Ellis just could not understand why people would do that.  Michael was upset that someone would ruin the fun of other people by breaking the rules.  Alaire really didn't care one way or another.  She just said lets go and finish the hike.

Everything was covered with ferns...thousands of them.

The deeper we got the more green and full the vegetation was.

Waterfalls were everywhere.

Once we made it to the end of the paved trail we went thru an opening and it was like on the Wizard of Oz when it turns to color.  It was like we were walking back in time.  The smells and sounds were like a rain forest.  We were all in awe.  We walked all the way to the end of the hollow.  I'd love to go back in the fall because it will be more than amazing!


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